pojep - 2009-04-18 21:04:01

Hi, i take one script and i modified to use by myself, now i use it all day, i'm totally afk and it works very good  and now i wanna share with you.

Let me say something about the script:

    * Hunt just on Banuta -1
    * When you have less than 10.00 oz from cap, the char stop the attacks to all monsters and run to the city, sell the plate armors, deposit the money, go to the dp, deposit the stones, wand of plagues, ape furs and he go again to the hunt place
    * If you have 10 or less potions, it stops all the attacks, run to the depot, sell the plate armors, deposit the money, deposit all in the depot and logout
    * If somebody start to attack you, the char will say: "aff..." "why you kill me?" "stop" and it runs to the depot and logout

You just have to configure the potions ID that you use, i use great health potions, each round i spend 20 potions, and i deposit like 9k + like 150 stones and 2 or 3 wand of plague.

00:12 You need 18484 exp
for level 86
Average session speed:
29058 exp/h
Estimated time left for level up:
0h 38m 10s
Played this session:
7h 7m 39s
Gained this session:
207108 exp

Here is after some time in hunt, (i was like 40 minutes on darashia because i help my friend to make a quest and that's why i have less experience gained)

I hope this script helps you in your char =)


onDangerGoto $nlineoflabel:pk$
fastExiva _hid = EF 00
fastExiva _lhealth = 10
fastExiva _cap = 1000
setMeleeKill kongra
setMeleeKill sibang
setMeleeKill merlkin
setPriority sibang:+1
setPriority merlkin:+2
setLoot D7 0B
setLoot 1D 0D
setLoot FB 16
setLoot D9 0B
setLoot 15 0C
setLoot 00 0C
setLoot 14 0D
setloot F5 06
move 32772,32566,8
move 32788,32571,8
move 32826,32573,8
ifTrue ($countitems:{$_hid$}$#number<=#$_lhealth$) Goto $nlineoflabel:out$
IfTrue ($mycap$#number<=#$_cap$) Goto $nlineoflabel:depot$
move 32847,32571,8
move 32849,32544,8
move 32846,32526,8
ifTrue ($countitems:{$_hid$}$#number<=#$_lhealth$) Goto $nlineoflabel:out$
IfTrue ($mycap$#number<=#$_cap$) Goto $nlineoflabel:depot$
move 32846,32509,8
move 32847,32544,8
move 32825,32547,8
ifTrue ($countitems:{$_hid$}$#number<=#$_lhealth$) Goto $nlineoflabel:out$
IfTrue ($mycap$#number<=#$_cap$) Goto $nlineoflabel:depot$
move 32817,32533,8
move 32822,32527,8
move 32819,32512,8
ifTrue ($countitems:{$_hid$}$#number<=#$_lhealth$) Goto $nlineoflabel:out$
IfTrue ($mycap$#number<=#$_cap$) Goto $nlineoflabel:depot$
move 32817,32529,8
move 32800,32518,8
move 32800,32518,8
ifTrue ($countitems:{$_hid$}$#number<=#$_lhealth$) Goto $nlineoflabel:out$
IfTrue ($mycap$#number<=#$_cap$) Goto $nlineoflabel:depot$
move 32796,32517,8
move 32757,32518,8
move 32778,32519,8
ifTrue ($countitems:{$_hid$}$#number<=#$_lhealth$) Goto $nlineoflabel:out$
IfTrue ($mycap$#number<=#$_cap$) Goto $nlineoflabel:depot$
move 32779,32534,8
move 32789,32549,8
move 32789,32572,8
ifTrue ($countitems:{$_hid$}$#number<=#$_lhealth$) Goto $nlineoflabel:out$
IfTrue ($mycap$#number<=#$_cap$) Goto $nlineoflabel:depot$
move 32772,32570,8
move 32771,32550,8
move 32760,32556,8
move 32756,32568,8
ifTrue ($countitems:{$_hid$}$#number<=#$_lhealth$) Goto $nlineoflabel:out$
IfTrue ($mycap$#number<=#$_cap$) Goto $nlineoflabel:depot$
gotoScriptLine 0
move 32827,32574,7
move 32820,32578,7
move 32819,32591,7
move 32791,32591,7
move 32775,32591,7
move 32748,32625,7
move 32716,32663,7
move 32704,32690,7
move 32684,32713,7
move 32656,32739,7
move 32645,32754,7
move 32629,32753,7
move 32629,32750,7
move 32629,32748,6
move 32632,32747,6
:parm sell
move 32632,32746,6
sayMessage hi
waitX 3
fastExiva > 96 04 $hex-tibiastr:trade$
waitX 3
fastExiva > 7B 1D 0D 00 99
WaitX 2
move 32632,32739,6
sayMessage hi
waitX 3
fastExiva > 96 04 $hex-tibiastr:deposit all$
waitX 3
fastExiva > 96 04 $hex-tibiastr:yes$
waitX 1
move 32629,32748,6
move 32629,32749,7
move 32629,32739,7
move 32640,32737,7
move 32691,32702,7
move 32731,32655,7
move 32760,32606,7
move 32772,32564,7
move 32772,32565,7
gotoScriptLine 0
move 32816,32545,8
move 32816,32560,8
move 32826,32569,8
move 32827,32576,8
move 32827,32574,7
move 32820,32578,7
move 32819,32591,7
move 32791,32591,7
move 32775,32591,7
move 32748,32625,7
move 32716,32663,7
move 32704,32690,7
move 32684,32713,7
move 32656,32739,7
move 32645,32754,7
move 32629,32753,7
move 32629,32750,7
move 32629,32748,6
move 32632,32747,6
:parm sell
move 32632,32740,6
sayMessage hi
waitX 3
fastExiva > 96 04 $hex-tibiastr:trade$
waitX 3
fastExiva > 7B 1D 0D 00 99
WaitX 2
move 32632,32739,6
sayMessage hi
waitX 3
fastExiva > 96 04 $hex-tibiastr:deposit all$
waitX 3
fastExiva > 96 04 $hex-tibiastr:yes$
waitX 1
move 32629,32748,6
move 32629,32749,7
move 32629,32739,7
sayMessage affff...
saymessage why you kill me?
sayMessage please stop
move 32827,32574,7
move 32820,32578,7
move 32819,32591,7
move 32791,32591,7
move 32775,32591,7
move 32748,32625,7
move 32716,32663,7
move 32704,32690,7
move 32684,32713,7
move 32656,32739,7
move 32645,32754,7
move 32629,32753,7
move 32629,32739,7

just modify this part to the id of your potions:


astExiva _hid = EF 00